My question is this.is there a mod (I've searched with no luck) that has been or could easily be modified (with permission of course) so that my female wardens can actually have a wedding with Ser Gilmore? While having my non-noble girls marry Rory would be awesome, I would dearly love my noble warden to have a wedding with him, they've grown up together, they've loved each other since their teens, he was her one and only love, etc, etc, and it would just make things complete to have a wedding with Fergus giving her away to Rory. I do play all the DA games, but so far have enjoyed DA:O the most honestly so tend to play it more, way more. I know from previous romances with others that some of the scenes I've seen were the same as with Alistair and/or Zevran (which I love btw, the mods).

I'm currently playing DA:O and using the Ser Gilmore Romance mod (voiced) and have the few mods that were adjusted to go with that (like sleep until dawn, etc). I have no clue how to create mods and still figuring out how to get some to play nice with others.

First let me apologize, not sure if this is where this post would go or not.